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15 December 2022

Mmabana Call for auditions for Short Film Letsopa

05 December 2022

Mmabana Call for auditions for Short Film Letsopa

I-Mmabana Arts, Culture and Sport Foundation iyakuthokozela ukumemezela leli khwelo lokufaka izicelo  zamaphrojekthi wobuciko obusha onyakeni wezimali wezi-2022/23. Abantu, izinkampani kanye nezinhlangano zezobuciko ezibhalisiwe  ezibhalisiwe zezobuciko bamenywa ukuthi bafake izicelo zoxhaso lwezimali zamaphrojekthi wezobuciko ngokuhambisana ne-_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5fllowcrafting, musicamp; , ifilimu nokubonwayo  arts kokubili ngokomzimba nokusatshalaliswa ku-inthanethi. Amaphrojekthi kumele abe nobuhlakani obusha, akhuthaze uhulumeni  priorities, isiko, ukubhekana nokubumbana komphakathi, kanye namagugu futhi kufanele abonise ikhono _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad58 isikhathi esibalulekile. Imisebenzi ehlongozwayo kufanele ibe ngekazwelonke  ukubaluleka kucatshangelwa izibophezelo ze-Mmabana Foundation ze-_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfing58d yomkhakha wezobuciko esifundazweni saseNyakatho neSifundazwe.


Kuzokhethwa kuqala izicelo ezithuthukisa amabhizinisi, ukuzibandakanya kwabesifazane, kanye nokusungula izinto ezintsha kulo mkhakha kanye nalezo ezihlose ukwakhiwa kwemisebenzi emisha ngendlela evamile entsha. Amaphrojekthi ahlongozwayo kufanele abonise umthelela kanye nenzuzo emiphakathini asebenza kuyo. Iphrojekthi efakelwe isicelo kufanele iveze okungenani imiphumela yobuciko emithathu (3) yale miphumela yobuciko elandelayo, inani lezomnotho, inani lobuciko, ukubaluleka komphakathi, inani lokwelapha noma inani lezemfundo. Lesi simemo siphinde sikhuthaze izinhlangano zezobuciko kanye nabantu abasekela ukubandakanyeka kwentsha engasebenzi kanye nabantu abaphila nokukhubazeka. 


Isabelo esincane sezicelo singu-R100 000. Inani eliphakeme lesamba esifakelwe isicelo akufanele libe ngaphezu kuka-R350 000. Isabelo sizohambisana nesu le-MACSF kanye nemiphumela ehlosiwe. 


Amafomu okufaka izicelo azotholakala ukuze uwadawunilode kusizindalwazi sakwaMmabana/ Izikhungo zeMmabana eMahikeng, Lehurutshe, Tlhabane, Taung kanye nase (Dr KK) Kanana Community Arts Centre kanye nasemahhovisi omnyango we-ACSR ahlukahlukene kanye nesizindalwazi.


Imibandela yokwamukelwa kwezicelo:


A 25 year old, Setswana speaking man. Our hero, Kagiso, is an embodiment of hope. Raised in a family where a mother is a staunch Christian, while the father is a man who believes in Setswana traditional customs, he has inherited both the traditional and Biblical wisdom from his parents, but he seeks to have his own views of the world. His mission is to become a better man than his father, Mothlala. Kagiso’s efforts to have a loving and compassionate relationship with his father is met with a hardened toughness. His father, a former mineworker, believes a man has to be tough to survive the modern times.

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A very confident 25 year old, Setswana speaking woman with a forceful personality. Having been raised by a single father, she took on a motherly role which makes her want to mother everyone in her life. She learnt everything about clay and pottery art from her father. Unlike Kagiso who is drawn more into the art form by passion, Boipelo sees the art as an outlet to make a living.

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Ntate Motlhala, Kagiso’s father

A 50 year old Setswana speaking man. He used to work in the Platinum plants as a skilled steel worker. He provided for the family until he got injured at work and could not work anymore. The inability to provide as a man bruised his ego, making him demand respect at all cost. He also carries anger believing he was not given what was due to him by the company he worked for. This makes him impatient and violent towards everyone around him, especially his wife and Kagiso.

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Morongwa, Kagiso’s mother

A 45 year old  Sesotho speaking woman who holds on to both Christian and Traditional values (She is late).

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Tshweu, Boipelo’s father

He is a 55 year old Setswana speaking ceramist and artist, a thinker, who believes in the Philosophy of The Potter’s Hand, that if the potter or the molder doesn’t guide and shape the clay the clay will fail to produce the desired results. He applies this philosophy both in his clay work and in life. Tshweu has had a share of fame in his life where some of his works are found in various galaries, but he decided to live that life in the past. He believes back then he had not found himself as a black person and as a man.

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A charismatic 55year Setswana Speaking old woman. She is the centre manager at the Art-Centre and handles the day to day operations. She is a great believer in using art to take young people away from the perilous life of self-debauchery and wayward behaviour.

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  • Zonke izigaba ezifanele zefomu lesicelo kufanele zigcwaliswe ngokugcwele.

  • Wonke amadokhumenti aceliwe kufanele ahanjiswe nefomu lesicelo.

  • Izicelo zingathunyelwa ngokoqobongomhlaka-21 Juni 2022 noma ngaphambi kwawo ngo-4:30 ntambama kunoma iyiphi ye 
    Izikhungo ze-MACF
    (Mahikeng, Lehurutshe, Tlhabane, Taung and in (Dr KK) Kanana Community Arts 
    Centre) KUPHELA.

  •  Izicelo ze-imeyili zizothunyelwa kuleli kheli le-imeyili



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